Join our community of monthly donors ending extreme poverty through entrepreneurship.
The Seed
A passionate group of monthly givers on a mission to end extreme poverty by fueling entrepreneurship.
People like you - from all over the nation - giving anything they can to be part of a collaborative effort to uplift people and unlock their truest potential.
Impact News
It's a monthly newsletter to update you on the progress we have made thanks to your contribution.
You will have a first-hand account of the transformation stories you have unlocked. We hope they make your day!
Our Mission
We are on a mission to elevate 10 million people from poverty to prosperity in the most underserved regions of Latin America, Africa, and Asia through our community-led, scalable approach to rural market development and empowering entrepreneurs by providing them access to knowledge, markets, and financial services.

You belong here.
This incredible community is composed of magnanimous, passionate, driven, and joyful people like you that know the human capacity to create and self-develop. They transcend the mundane and know lifting people up will be part of their legacy. You’re going to fit right in.
Millions of people living in poverty have the potential to lift themselves out of poverty with the right resources.
Together we can provide access to knowledge, financial services, and access to markets for people to
go from a path of poverty to a path of prosperity. It all starts with one seed...one person...one family at a time. Join the Seed community today!